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AddWeights 2.4-11
AdjacencyMat 2.4-12
AffineMosaic 2.9-7
AllOnesMat 2.8-7
AllSubgroupsConjugation 2.1-11
BaseBlocks 2.3-5
BlockDesignAut 2.4-1
BlockDesignFilter 2.4-2
BlockScheme 2.4-6
BlocksToIncidenceMat 2.9-2
CameronSeidelSet 2.3-7
Cliquer 2.4-3
CompatibilityMat 2.3-3
CubeAut 2.6-15
CubeFilter 2.6-16
CubeLayer 2.6-5
CubeLayers 2.6-6
CubeProjection 2.7-1
CubeProjections 2.7-2
CubeProjectionTest 2.7-3
CubeSlice 2.6-3
CubeSlices 2.6-4
CubeTest 2.6-13
CubeToOrthogonalArray 2.6-7
CubeToTransversalDesign 2.6-10
CyclicDimensionIncrease 2.8-10
CyclicPerm 2.1-1
DifferenceCube 2.6-1
DifferenceMosaic 2.9-8
DifferenceSetToOrthogonalArray 2.7-7
DigitConstructionMat 2.8-9
DisjointCliques 2.4-4
EquivalentDifferenceSets 2.3-14
ExpandMatRHS 2.3-6
ExtendedPermRepresentation 2.1-14
FieldToMOLS 2.5-3
GroupCube 2.6-2
HadamardMatAut 2.8-11
HadamardMatFilter 2.8-12
HadamardToIncidence 2.8-13
Homogeneity 2.1-10
IncidenceMatToBlocks 2.9-3
IncidenceToHadamard 2.8-14
IntersectionNumbers 2.4-5
IsAutotopyGroup 2.5-10
IsGoodSubsetOrbit 2.2-4
IsHadamardMat 2.8-1
IsProperHadamardMat 2.8-2
IversonBracket 2.4-9
KerdockSet 2.3-9
KramerMesnerMat 2.3-2
KramerMesnerMOLS 2.5-12
KramerMesnerMOLSAutoparatopy 2.5-14
KramerMesnerMOLSAutotopy 2.5-13
KramerMesnerSearch 2.3-1
LatinSquareToCube 2.6-12
LeftDevelopment 2.3-13
License .-2
MatAut 2.9-10
MatFilter 2.9-11
MOLSAut 2.5-8
MOLSFilter 2.5-9
MOLSSubsetOrbitRep 2.5-11
MOLSToOrthogonalArray 2.5-4
MOLSToTransversalDesign 2.5-6
MosaicParameters 2.9-1
MosaicToBlockDesigns 2.9-4
MoveGroup 2.1-4
MovePerm 2.1-3
MultiGroup 2.1-6
MultiPerm 2.1-5
NormalizedSingerDifferenceSets 2.3-11
OrbitFilter1 2.2-6
OrbitFilter2 2.2-7
OrthogonalArrayAut 2.7-11
OrthogonalArrayFilter 2.7-12
OrthogonalArrayProjection 2.7-4
OrthogonalArrayProjections 2.7-5
OrthogonalArrayProjectionTest 2.7-6
OrthogonalArrayToCube 2.6-8
OrthogonalArrayToMOLS 2.5-5
OrthogonalArrayToTransversalDesign 2.6-9
OrthogonalNormalBasis 2.3-8
PAG 1.
PAGGlobalOptions 2.10-1
Paley1Mat 2.8-3
Paley2Mat 2.8-4
Paley3DMat 2.8-5
PaleyDifferenceSet 2.7-8
PermRepresentationLeft 2.1-13
PermRepresentationRight 2.1-12
PointPairScheme 2.4-7
PowerDifferenceSet 2.7-9
PowersMosaic 2.9-9
PrimitiveGroupsOfDegree 2.1-8
ProductConstructionMat 2.8-8
ReadMat 2.9-5
ReadMOLS 2.5-1
RestrictedGroup 2.1-7
RightDevelopment 2.3-12
SDPSeriesDesign 2.6-18
SDPSeriesGroup 2.6-17
SDPSeriesHadamardMat 2.8-6
SingerDifferenceSets 2.3-10
SliceInvariant 2.6-14
SmallLambdaFilter 2.2-5
SolveKramerMesner 2.3-4
SubsetOrbitRep 2.2-1
SubsetOrbitRepIN 2.2-3
SubsetOrbitRepShort1 2.2-2
SymmetricDifference 2.4-10
TDesignB 2.4-8
ToGroup 2.1-2
TransitiveGroupsOfDegree 2.1-9
TransversalDesignToCube 2.6-11
TransversalDesignToMOLS 2.5-7
TwinPrimePowerDifferenceSet 2.7-10
WriteMat 2.9-6
WriteMOLS 2.5-2

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